A brand new makerspace is available for use to select clubs beginning March 7. The new space in Chase Hall, located off of the Student Center for Belonging and Community, features a variety of equipment and tools students may not have access to on campus. So far, this includes a sewing machine, a 3D printer and tools for creating posters.
According to Coordinator of Campus Life Programming and First-Year Experience Luke Allen, the idea for a makerspace in Chase Hall predated the building’s renovation in the 2022-2023 academic year. Allen argues that the space is something unique to Bates: “There weren’t many spaces for student art on campus before this opened up,” Allen said. Most students would need to already be a part of a club, class or organization on campus to get access to some of these supplies, which he hopes the makerspace will provide another venue for.
Currently, the space is available to certain student organizations that Allen feels will be good test-pilots for the equipment. “We want to make sure it works for our clubs first with minimal maintenance,” he said.
Beyond this test run, Allen says the room will be available for reservation by student groups in the future. “I’m working on getting a series of tutorial videos on Bates Engage students will have to view before reserving the space,” Allen said. “Just so they know how to use the equipment before, which will hopefully minimize any issues that could be had.”
Likewise, Allen noted that this was a long-term investment for Campus Life, one that will pay off in the reduction of club requests for the same materials once. “I’m hopeful this will help clubs navigate their budgets more,” Allen added. “It’ll alleviate some of the stress of having to put in so many funding requests for the same supplies.”
Along that line, Allen adds that the space is far from its final iteration. Students have requested to add a sticker printer to the space, which Allen says will be coming soon . Overall, the stated goal of the space is to work for students and their needs first. Students can expect to be able to register for access to the makerspace after March break.