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The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student


The Bates Student Constitution
Adopted 13 December 2023


Section 1. Mission. 

As the recognized student newspaper of Bates College, our purpose is to investigate and report newsworthy events and to give the student body a voice within the community. Our publication enriches the Bates and Lewiston Auburn community by shining a spotlight on local issues and perspectives.

Section 2. Vision

Our publication will continue to develop as an organization that excels through diverse thought and hard-hitting journalism. 

Section 3. Our Commitment to Equity. As The Bates Student, we commit to all college policies that relate to students and student clubs and organizations. In the spirit of community accountability and collegiality, we agree to create spaces for discussions of injustice and inequity. We commit to engaging actively in dialogue with relevant parties (e.g., peer club and organization officers, campus offices, administrators, etc.) to effect positive change. We are committed to providing the student body a fair and equitable opportunity to voice their opinions on relevant issues. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive editorial staff, which includes an emphasis on encouraging ideological diversity.


Section 1. Membership Policies. Mandatory language: As a Campus Life-supported organization, we commit to abide by the Club/Org Membership Policy.

There is no minimum commitment required to write for The Student. Students can become Contributing Writers by signing up during the Club Fair or by reaching out to an editor. Each semester, students demonstrating exemplary commitment are promoted to Staff Writers. Contributing and Staff Writers can write as many or few articles as they please, but they are not paid. The editorial staff are hired at the end of the academic year for the upcoming year, and they are paid twice a semester.

Section 2. Creating Space for Community. In compliance with the Club/Org Membership Policy, this club/org is open to all students. Students who join are generally those with an interest in journalism or narrative nonfiction writing.


Section 1. Positions. 

Executive Staff

Executive staff members are responsible for the overall functioning of The Student, including managing editorial staff, guiding news members, and making ultimate publication decisions.

  • Editor(s) in Chief
  • Executive Managing Editor

Editorial Staff

Editorial staff members are responsible for the oversight and management of a specific area of coverage. They manage all decisions and writers pertaining to their area of expertise — generally written coverage, but also photography, digital, and style.

  • Managing and Assistant News Editors
  • Managing and Assistant Features Editors
  • Managing and Assistant Forum Editors
  • Managing and Assistant Arts & Leisure editors
  • Managing and Assistant Sports Editors
  • Managing Photography Editor
  • Digital Editor
  • Managing and Assistant Copy Editors

Link to Positions

Section 2. Election and/or Selection of Officers. 

Executive staff are elected at the end of each academic year for the following year; all staff members may vote. The candidates for this position are nominated, and each candidate gives an outline of their plans for the newspaper. New editorial staff members are hired at the end of each academic year through a process that includes submitting a resume on Handshake and a series of interviews with the incoming executive staff. Should a managing editorial position be vacated mid-year due to study abroad or other extenuating circumstances, application priority will be given to the assistant editors in that section. Otherwise, the position will be opened up to the entire student body via Handshake. Should an assistant editorial position or copy editorial position be vacated mid-year due to study abroad or other extenuating circumstances, the position will be opened up to the entire student body via Handshake.


Section 1. General Meetings. 

Open pitch meetings are typically held every other Sunday; any Bates student may attend, and they can suggest stories to write. Publishing meetings are held every other Wednesday and are generally attended by digital and executive staff, though these are also open to all students.

Section 2. Modes of Decision Making. 

Routine decisions are made by executive staff members. Larger decisions are discussed in staff meetings, and the most consequential decisions are put to a staff vote. If conflicts arise between staff, then the issue should be reported to the applicable managing editors, and if necessary, to the executive management. If the issue pertains to the editor-in-chief or executive managing editor, then the topic should be discussed with the editorial staff as a whole. If the situation persists with management, then Campus Life must be consulted.

When we have reached an impasse where it is clear the conflict will not be resolved among club/org members OR harm has occurred or continues to occur around this issue, we commit to contacting Campus Life to help us address and resolve it.


As a Campus Life-recognized and supported organization, we agree to abide by the Student Club Funding Rules. Funding is used primarily for paying staff members, maintaining digital licenses for our website and email service, and producing print editions. Once a semester, a social event is held for under $100. The Executive Staff members are responsible for managing and tracking funds. All staff members are made aware of where funds are directed, and space is made for a financial discussion near the end of each semester.


Section 1. Club/Org History

The Bates Student is the oldest continuously-published college newspaper in the state of Maine and has been the student voice of Bates College since 1873. Since then, we have won journalism awards at the state, local, and international levels. We are proud to continue the tradition of journalistic excellence in a community that welcomes and nurtures new writers. In particular we emphasize helping interested students begin writing for the first time and prepare them to take on editor and leadership positions over their Bates career.

Section 2. Club/Org Continuity and Transition. 

The transition process comes after the management/editor hirings during Short Term. There is a Google Drive folder with all of the information needed for this transition process.


This document should be reviewed once per year by incoming and outgoing staff during the transition period and edited with amendments if necessary. Amendments will be voted on by incoming staff, with 2/3rds of the vote needed to pass.


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