The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student


Advertising with The Bates Student is a great way to let our readers know about your business or event. The Student is distributed free of charge and read by our neighbors in Lewiston, as well as faculty, staff, students, and alumni of Bates College. Our pages are 20 inches in length by 10 inches in width, not including margins. We run five 1 and 6/7th  inch wide columns with an average length of 12 pages per week. Our coverage includes all aspects of life in both the local and college communities with News, Features, Forum, Arts & Leisure, and Sports sections.

Bates College at a Glance


  • 1,800+ students are enrolled full time
    • Average Age: 20 years
    • 49:51 male to female
  • 90% of students from out of state

Faculty & Staff

  • 791 Faculty and Employees total
  • 214 Faculty
    • Average age: 49. 2 years
    • 53:47 male to female

Student Fee

  • $68,620 per year


  • 10 pages average length
  • Five columns of text
  • Two color pages, including front and back

Rates per Issue for the 2022-23 Publication Year

Local Rate: $2/square inch

This pricing is for businesses located in Maine.

Ad Size Dimensions (height x width) Price
Full 20″ x 10″ 400
Half Horizontal 10″ x 10″ 200
1/3 Horizontal 7″ x 10″ 130
1/4 Horizontal 5″ x 10″ 100
1/8 Horizontal 3″ x 10″ 50
Square 3.9″ x 3.9″ 30
Business Card 3.75″ x 2.25″ 20

We are always happy to find size/cost arrangements that best fit your needs and will also design an ad to your specifications. We prefer ads that have a width of 2.8, 3.9, 5.9, 8.0, 10.0 inches to fit the margins of our paper.

Color Ads: Add 20% to the original price

Bates Students and Organizations: 20% discount

Advertisers who run 3 or more Ads: 10% discount (total cost)

National Rate: $3/square inch

Ad Size Dimensions (height x width) Price
Full 20″ x 10″ 600
Half Horizontal 10″ x 10″ 300
1/3 Horizontal 7″ x 10″ 200
1/4 Horizontal 5″ x 10″ 150
1/8 Horizontal 3″ x 10″ 75
Square 3.9″ x 3.9″ 45
Business Card 3.75″ x 2.25″ 30

We are always happy to find size/cost arrangements that best fit your needs and will also design an ad to your specifications. We prefer ads that have a width of 2.8, 3.9, 5.9, 8.0, 10.0 inches to fit the margins of our paper.

Color Ads: Add 20% to the original price

Advertisers who run 3 or more Ads: 10% discount (total cost)

Submission Information

  • Ads and forms must be received by no later than 6 p.m. on the Monday before publication.
  • Submissions should be sent to [email protected]
  • The Bates Student reserves the right to adjust the ad’s size if necessary
  • Invoices will be sent the week following publication. Check should be made out to “Bates College.”
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