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The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

Advertise with Us

The Bates Student is pleased to offer advertising space in our 6 print editions each year. Our first edition will go to the printer Oct. 8 and advertisement drafts are due Oct. 3

Why us?

The Bates Student is the main source of campus news for students, faculty, staff and administrators. All of these people are in need of various goods and services like transportation, healthcare, entertainment, dorm supplies, summer storage etc. 

Our paper is also read by alumni and families who visit Lewiston annually for parents’ weekend, graduation and reunion. 

We have a loyal readership that is expanding. We print six editions each year (400 copies each) and have 788 subscribers to our online newsletter sent out every two weeks. Last year, we reached 11,301 unique users with over 210,000 page views

Bates College Quick Facts


  • 1,800 enrolled full time
  • 48/52 female/male identified

Faculty and staff:

  • Bates College is the 5th largest employer in Androscoggin County 
  • 800+ faculty and staff members members

Cost of Attendance 

  • $85,370 (including tuition and room & board)

Our readers

  • The Student is published biweekly on Thursdays while classes are in session, online and in our newsletter and approximately once a month in print available at various campus locations (400 copies).
  • We have over 3320 followers on Instagram and 1,469 followers on Twitter. 
  • 788 subscribers to our bi-weekly email newsletter

*data as of June 2024


Type Size (WxH) Sq. in. $/Sq. in. Price
Half Page – Horizontal 10.125”×7.5” 76 sq. in. $4.00 $304
Quarter Page 5”×7.5” 37.5 sq. in. $5.00 $185
Short Quarter 5”×3.45” 17.25 sq. in. $5.50 $95
Business Card 3.3”×2” 6.5 sq. in. $6.00 $39

*Student-led on-campus organizations are eligible for a 50% discount on all ads. 

*First time discount of 20% offered to all advertisers.


  • All print ads must be received by 5 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the week they are to run.
  • Submission: Ads must be submitted digitally as PNG files via email at the highest quality possible with correct dimensions

Ad design services

  • Our skilled layout and design team will create and typeset an ad for you. The fee for this service is an additional 10% of the original ad cost, depending on the ad size.
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