We made it! We escaped the Maine winter. The days of leaving your 4 p.m. class only to be greeted by the already dwindling sunlight have come to an end. Don’t get me wrong, Maine winters are nothing short of spectacular. Bates’ campus truly comes alive after snow storms; the feeling of walking down snowy alumni is magical except for the fear of slipping on ice.
There is nothing more inviting than the first signs of spring. After a while, the cold months become dreary and linger around for a second too long, like that one relative during the holidays you dread seeing year after year.
It’s at this time when things begin to feel different. Sure, it’s still frosty and windy. Nonetheless, those sunny 50-degree days keep emerging and each time, they bring a glimmer of hope. The anticipation of no longer needing to wear a winter coat is welcoming. The sounds of the birds chirping make it seem like those days are right around the corner. Although the El Niño Winter didn’t bring the traditional snow accumulation that skiers crave, it’s easy to let go of the “Think Snow” mindset once the warm temperatures kick in.
The sign on the quad may suggest snow in March is still a possibility, but I’m betting on Punxsutawney Phil’s 2024 prediction of an early spring. Groundhog Day’s accuracy rate certainly isn’t the best. No one wants to challenge that iconic tradition.
So did we get off easy this year? Well, it depends. What are your thoughts on Spring Forward? Because surviving daylight savings might be just as brutal as the depths of winter. I have no problem with fallback because it’s hard to complain about getting an extra hour of sleep. I’m sure you can agree.
Spring forward, on the other hand, is the real challenge. Powering through the darkest months of the year is already difficult, but losing one precious hour of sleep makes coming off of winter so much more challenging.
The temptation to grumble is strong when your routine is disrupted. One upside to losing an hour of sleep is gaining an extra hour outside especially if warm weather is on the horizon. Be sure to keep your fingers crossed! With Short Term (WOOHOO) upon us, there is so much to look forward to in the months ahead, and I can’t wait until Mother Nature restores Maine’s spring pulse.