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The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

The Voice of Bates College Since 1873

The Bates Student

Critiquing Trump's Hasty Regard for Policy

Critiquing Trump’s Hasty Regard for Policy

Sarah McCarthy March 7, 2018

In a meeting with important representatives of both the American aluminum and steel industries this past Thursday, March 1, President Trump announced he would be levying harsh tariffs on imported aluminum...

Responding to the State of the Union

Responding to the State of the Union

Sarah McCarthy February 7, 2018

Last Tuesday, President Trump delivered his 2018 State of the Union address. In this speech he highlighted the need for unity in the government, immigration reform, veteran benefits, investments in infrastructure,...

Women in military represent positive shift

Women in military represent positive shift

Gretchen Sellegren January 30, 2013

In the last few years, the Pentagon has been a progressive force in aiding current civil rights movements, first with the 2010 overturn the "Don’t ask, don’t tell" ban on gay troops, and now with last...

The People's President

The People’s President

Jo Wallace January 30, 2013

On January 21, Barack Obama made his second Inaugural Address. Much has been said about it: his address presented a liberal vision for the next four years, a renewed commitment to equality and social programs,...

The President's Pitfalls and Potential

The President’s Pitfalls and Potential

Matt Furlow January 30, 2013

President Obama’s inauguration speech has reinvigorated his liberal base with promises of greater action on climate change, LGBT rights, and a commitment to the progressive paradigm of significant government...

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Mark Semon January 30, 2013

Dear Editor: In the January 16th, 2013 edition of The Bates Student Curtis Rheingold wrote an opinion piece for The Forum entitled "Wanted: effective U.S. gun control policy." His opinions are based on...

Hagel Nomination Indicated Shift in Obama Foreign Policy

Hagel Nomination Indicated Shift in Obama Foreign Policy

David Weinman January 23, 2013

During his first presidential run, then-Senator Obama placed at the center of his campaign what he argued to be the flaws of the Bush foreign policy. However, as noted by Matt McReddie ‘15, "Once he...

Bates democrats and republicans continue activism

Bates democrats and republicans continue activism

Katharine Sgarro January 23, 2013

Two of the most well-known and active clubs on campus, also happen to be each other’s biggest competition, the Bates Democrats and the Bates Republicans. Both clubs assumed center stage in November as...

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