Amy Boldic:
Name, where are you from, position at commons (what is your role):
“Amy Boldic, from Lewiston, Maine. I’m a second cook. I cook on stations. I cook on rounds. I’ve done just about everything here.”
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
“Friendly, kind of picky with stuff; I wanna get it done good, vivacious.”
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Over here they say ‘it’s just food.’ When you’re too stressed, and you freak out, and the scenes not going right, a long line of students and you don’t have much food…they say ‘it’s just food, it will be all right.’”
What are you most passionate about outside of work?
“I make jewelry. Bracelets, earrings, rings, I do it. Wire wrapping, stones…I like trying things that I don’t have experience with; see if I sink or swim. That’s how I got to being second cook! I started in service, so I worked in service for a long time, then I moved up to second cook. I’ve been working at commons for 9 years; that’s how I’ve done just about every job here.”
Favorite book/movie?
“My favorite movie is ‘The Man.’”
Favorite Commons food!!
“Pad thai!”
If you could tell Bates students one thing, what would it be?
“Do what you love and in the end everythings gonna work out…eventually it will pass.”
Cats or dogs:
“Cats. I have cats. Dogs are kind of scary.”

Ashley Cowett:
Name, where are you from, position at commons (what is your role):
“Ashley Cowett, from Hartford, Maine. Cook.”
If you could sum yourself up in three adjectives, what would they be?
“Hardworking, a Mom, laid-back, fun-loving. There’s four of them.”
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“If you feel overwhelmed, just take things one day at a time.”
What are you most passionate about outside of work?
“My kids. I have a 15-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son.”
Favorite book/ movie?
“Right now I’m watching ‘Resident Alien.’ An alien crashes on Earth and resumes the role of a human. It’s wicked funny.”
Do you have any hidden talents/ what is one interesting fact about yourself?
“Horses, I grew up riding horses, I guess. My grandmother went here [to Bates]. She taught here, too.”
Favorite Commons food!!
“Pad thai, over there. I’m so excited.”
If you could tell Bates students one thing, what would it be? (Can be unrelated or related to commons)
“Don’t take life for granted.”
Cats or dogs:
“I lean towards cats, since they’re less responsibility.”

Name, where are you from, position at commons (what is your role):
“Almudena is my Spanish name, but they call me Diana here. I’m from Equatorial Guinea, a place in the middle of Africa. I’m a cook assistant, I work in the bread and salad area.”
If you could sum yourself up in 3 adjectives, what would they be?
“I’m funny, a cool worker, and I’m a happy girl.”
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“If you work you need to be professional. It doesn’t matter if somebody yells at you, you have to just do your job.”
What are you most passionate about outside of work?
“I’m studying to be a nurse in a different college. I’m going to be a nurse after three years, because this is my first year of studying. Also, my hobby is that I like to dance.”
Do you have any hidden talents/ what is one interesting fact about yourself?
“I can read people, and sometimes I know what other people are thinking”
Favorite book/ movie?
“I love action movies, because my boyfriend loves the movie ‘Bad Boys.’ It’s really funny. It’s new and it’s a good movie.”
Favorite Commons food!!
“Shepherd’s pie.”
If you could tell Bates students one thing, what would it be? (Can be unrelated or related to commons)
“In commons, I feel like if one of the students needs something and they are looking at me, they think I’m mad. I’m not mad, sometimes I’m busy here and I’m working and I don’t have time, and I have a lot of things to do.”
Cats or Dogs:
“I love every animal.”